What Is A Course in Miracles: Theory and Practice [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 5 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This album consists of two lectures given at the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach in September 2005. They comprise an overview of A Course in Miracles—its theory and practice—with special emphasis on the role forgiveness plays in awakening us from the dream of separation. The framework for these talks is the Course’s integration of a non-dualistic metaphysics with Freud’s psychodynamic understanding of the ego, the source of the Course’s uniqueness as a spiritual teaching. Thus, at the same time we are taught that the ego and its world are illusory, we are taught to recognize its dynamic of projection. In this way, we are led by the Holy Spirit beyond the ego’s defensive walls of the body and guilt—from mindlessness to mindfulness—to the love that is our true Self.

Original Workshop Date: 09/2005
SKU: 3m121as

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