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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
Walking with Jesus is impossible unless we bring everyone with us—those we love and those we hate, friend and foe alike. Walking with our egos, on the other hand, means having specialness as our companion instead of love, and thus we walk only with the special ones. Therefore, if we do not journey with all people we journey alone, without the one who tells us he stands at Heaven’s gate, holding open the door through which we cannot pass unless we lay aside all thoughts of judgment and exclusion:
Christ is at God’s altar, waiting to welcome His Son. But come wholly without condemnation, for otherwise you will believe that the door is barred and you cannot enter….Come unto me who hold it open for you, for while I live it cannot be shut, and I live forever.

Original Workshop Date: 12/2003
SKU: 3m96as