The Tyranny of Needs [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 4 hours 19 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The title of this workshop, “The Tyranny of Needs,” encapsulates the ego thought system. The ego obviously is a tyrant in its kingdom, and we seemingly become its “slave.” It keeps us “enslaved” through needs—physical, psychological, emotional, and even spiritual needs. But the truth is that the ego is not the tyrant but a puppet tyrant. The tyrant is the Son of God and his choice for the ego as his puppet tyrant. Freedom from the tyranny comes only when we turn within and, with the gentle love of Jesus beside us, make a different choice.

The ego, which is not real, attempts to persuade the mind, which [is] real, that the mind is the ego’s learning device; and further, that the body is more real than the mind is. No one in his right mind could possibly believe this, and no one in his right mind does believe it.

Original Workshop Date: 07/2004
SKU: 3m223as

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