The Stillness of Silence [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 36 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This one-day seminar from 2011 is structured around two poems of Helen Schucman: “Conversion” and “Awake in Stillness.” These are the framework within which the ego’s raucous shrieking is compared to the Holy Spirit’s soft stillness. Throughout A Course in Miracles we are asked to look at the ego’s thought system of specialness without judgment, thereby exposing its purpose of keeping the memory of God from dawning on our minds. This process of forgiveness clears our minds to hear the still, small Voice calling us home, along with all God’s Sons.

The Son of God
Has come to join you now. His shining hand
Is on your shoulder. And God’s silent Voice
Speaks ceaselessly of Heaven. You will hear
His single message calling to His Own
From His abiding place, to wake in God.

Original Workshop Date: 11/2011
SKU: 3m179as
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