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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
This workshop is based on the two major themes in the section “The Self-Accused” (T-31.III). 1) All attack is self-attack (only the self-accused condemn). 2) Because ideas leave not their source, the idea of guilt can never truly leave its source in the mind through projection; this means that it is never the body that attacks and forgives, but only the mind. Our focus, therefore, must always be on the mind’s decision to be guilty (to self-accuse), for when that decision is kept unconscious, the guilt will inevitably be projected (to accuse others), ensuring that it will never be undone. Yet when we join with Jesus, his eyes become our own, and his vision of forgiveness releases the Sonship from its prison house of guilt, freeing us to remember our one Identity as children of Love.
Open your mind to change, and there will be no ancient penalty exacted from your brother or yourself.

Original Workshop Date: 04/2008
SKU: 3m150as