The Real Alternative [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 4 hours 7 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The discussion is based on the section near the end of the text entitled “The Real Alternative,” which focuses on the contrast between the ego’s hopeless purpose and the Holy Spirit’s hope-filled purpose for the world. The ego’s hopelessness is born of its strategy to keep us in a bodily state of perpetual mindlessness, while the hope held out to us by the Holy Spirit consists of His using the world and body as means to lead us back to the mind. The mind is the home of both the mistaken choice for separation and the correction of Atonement, the real alternative that reminds us we never left our Creator and Source, nor has He left us: He has not left His Thoughts!

Original Workshop Date: 07/2005
SKU: 3m115as

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