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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
This set consists of two workshops and an Academy class that focus on love: the ego’s special love and the love that Jesus offers us in its stead. The workshops, which frame this set, are based on two Shakespearean sonnets. Sonnet 138, which we can subtitle “Simple Truth Suppressed,” portrays the duplicity of the special love relationship; while Sonnet 116 extols the wonders of love’s constancy: “an ever-fixed mark.” The Academy class is entitled “Centeredness: Letting Go of Specialness,” and includes discussions on the applications of the Course’s principles of forgiveness to our everyday lives. The ultimate answer to the scarcity principle that is the core of all special relationships is returning to the mind’s quiet center—“the stately calm within”—wherein dwells the Holy Spirit, the memory of love that reminds us of our Identity as God’s eternal Love.
Original Workshop Date: 01/2006 & 03/2006
SKU: 3m125as