The Meaning of Forgiveness [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 26 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Forgiveness is the central teaching of A Course in Miracles and has almost universally been misunderstood. In this workshop, its true meaning is explained in contrast to the distortions coming from the world’s version, which has made forgiveness into a scourge rather than the path home to God. Through readings and discussion of examples, all forms of victimization are shown to be rooted in the projection of responsibility for our belief that we are separate from God’s Love. Forgiveness, therefore, begins with looking at our experiences of victimization with Jesus, who then helps us see both their cause and their healing. These lie only in our mind’s decision, either to be joined with his love or to remain separate from it.

Original Workshop Date: 06/1996
SKU: 3m53as

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