The Heights of Happiness [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 29 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

A Course in Miracles teaches that the only truth within the illusion is that we are decision-making minds that have erred: we chose the wrong teacher. Therefore, the only way to attain the “heights of happiness” is for us to return to our minds that chose against happiness by choosing against God, and then change that decision. The process of ascending to the “heights of happiness” thus is the focus of the discussion in this class. This process involves first retracing the steps that led us down the ladder, thereby exposing the ego’s secret goal, which is that we would never find happiness here. Proceeding under Jesus’ gentle guidance, we then ascend back up the ladder to true happiness. The culmination of this journey is presented in the framework of Lesson 157 Into His Presence would I enter now.

From this lowest point will learning lead to heights of happiness, in which you see the purpose of the lesson shining clear, and perfectly within your learning grasp.

Original Workshop Date: 01/2009
SKU: 3m197as

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