The Happy Dream [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

A Course in Miracles distinguishes among three kinds of dreams. The first two belong to the ego: the mind’s secret dream in which we are the home of sin, guilt, and fear; and the world’s dream in which others are the home of sin and guilt, and we their fearful and innocent victims. Both dreams are undone by the Holy Spirit’s happy dreams of the miracle, wherein the problem is withdrawn from the projected world and returned to the mind where it begins and where it will end in the blazing light of forgiveness.

Rest in the Holy Spirit, and allow His gentle dreams to take the place of those you dreamed in terror and in fear of death.… The dream of guilt is fading from your sight, although your eyes are closed. A smile has come to lighten up your sleeping face. The sleep is peaceful now, for these are happy dreams.

Original Workshop Date: 04/2005
SKU: 3m137as

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