The Gift of the Ego: Fear The Gift of God: Love [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 11 hours 9 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The focus of this workshop is the prose poem, “The Gifts of God,” Helen Schucman’s last scribing from Jesus. This material movingly and expressively provides a summary of the core teachings of A Course in Miracles. Its primary emphasis is on allowing Jesus to help us with our fear, which seems to be connected with something in the world. In this line-by-line commentary, the cause of all fear is explained in the context of our dreaming that we have separated from God and believe we deserve to be punished as a result. The ego’s gift of fear is thus ended in the acceptance of Jesus’ gift of love, which leads us out of the dream and back to God.

Original Workshop Date: 08-09/1996
SKU: 3m55as

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