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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
The text of A Course in Miracles states that consciousness “was the first split introduced into the mind after the separation, making the mind a perceiver rather than a creator” (T-3.IV.2:1). In the clarification of terms it is described as “the receptive mechanism, receiving messages from above or below; from the Holy Spirit or the ego” (C-1.3). Consciousness, thus, is presented in this 2012 Workshop not as a structure, but as part of the process of our leaving the realm of Oneness and going to the realm of duality, and then going from duality back to Oneness through the right-minded use of consciousness. Guided by our Teacher, we learn to use the symbols of consciousness to help ourselves and others get beyond consciousness back to Oneness. When we have chosen against the wrong-minded ego permanently, we are the Atonement too. And so we are that same symbol of the Love of God that Jesus is.
You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.… They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true communication can be found.

Original Workshop Date: 02/2012
SKU: 3m194as