The Ark of Peace [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 39 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This workshop is essentially in two parts. The first is based on the ego principle of one or the other: my happiness is bought at the expense of another. In other words, for me to be guiltless, someone else must be guilty; and thus I escape God’s punishment for my perceived sin. Focusing on the section “Entering the Ark,” the second part of the workshop discusses the importance of looking with Jesus at the ego’s thought system of attack and devastation, allowing his correction of entering the ark of peace two by two to be our mind’s salvation. It is the mind’s power alone that can condemn us to the ego’s dream of hell, or awaken us to the Heaven we never truly left.

Original Workshop Date: 09/2003
SKU: 3m129as

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