“Silent Testimony”: The Power of Healing [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 45 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

An important focus of this 2012 workshop is purpose, as it is in A Course in Miracles itself, for it is the mind’s purpose of awakening or remaining in the dream that determines how we perceive our relationships and daily experiences. Purpose also determines whether our bodies offer witness to the sins of others, or “mute testimony” (T-27.II.5:7) to their sinlessness. We are reminded that the message we give another is the message we choose to believe about ourselves: we are sinless children of the eternal God, or sinful children of the death-worshiping ego. (The original title of the workshop was “Mute Testimony”: The Power of Healing.)

Into this empty space, from which the goal of sin has been removed, is Heaven free to be remembered. Here its peace can come, and perfect healing take the place of death. The body can become a sign of life, a promise of redemption, and a breath of immortality …. Let it receive the power to represent an endless life, forever unattacked. And to your brother let its message be, “Behold me, brother, at your hand I live.”

Original Workshop Date: 06/2012
SKU: 3m181as

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