Love and Be Silent: King Lear, Defenselessness and A Course in Miracles [EHVIDEOSTR]


  HD 1080p Video  
Duration: 4 hours 18 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The subtitle of this workshop was inspired by a theme from Shakespeare’s King Lear, in which Cordelia, Lear’s daughter, responded only with love and silence to the challenges of specialness posed by her father and sisters. The workshop expounds on this theme in the context of A Course in Miracles‘ teachings on defenselessness and the all-inclusive nature of love that demands sacrifice of no one. Various readings from the text and workbook focus on the universal healing application of this loving silence, with Jesus as our model, to all relationships in our personal lives as well as on the larger scale of international relations.

Original Workshop Date: 12/2001
SKU: 4m65evs

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