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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
The material in this stream was originally part of a two-day Academy program entitled Letting Go of Judgment, held at the Foundation in November 2003. A major focus of these classes was turning to the “stately calm within” whenever tempted to judge others. We learn from Jesus that choosing to attack and condemn others leads to our pain—the cost of the belief in victimization—while letting go of judgment brings us peace. Judgment is thus seen as a “cosmic setup,” wherein we seek to justify our thoughts of separation and differences, serving the ego’s hidden agenda of proving that its separation from God is real, but that others are responsible for it. Bringing this agenda to Jesus’ gentle forgiveness lets the pain of our judgments go, to be replaced by the peace and love of the stately calm within.

Original Workshop Date: 11/2003
SKU: 3m92as