Jesus: “Bright Stranger” [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 3 hours 40 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This 2002 workshop discusses Helen Schucman’s poem, “Bright Stranger,” which describes her—and our—attempt to keep Jesus’ love away, and the futility of such attempts. Because our real fear is not of crucifixion but redemption, we try to bring Jesus into the world in order to deny he is in our mind, love’s source. It is explained how the ego’s fear, along with its defenses of hate and judgment, ultimately has no power over love. Although we cover it with “locks and keys”—representing our need to protect ourselves—these defenses lack the power to succeed. Jesus—our “bright stranger”—is the light that shines in the dream, dissolving its fear into its own nothingness as our defenses fall away before his gentle coming.

Original Workshop Date: 12/2002
SKU: 3m97as

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