Escape from Love: Dissociating A Course in Miracles [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 7 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This talk was originally part of a three-day class, “The Face of Innocence,” held in 2004. The focus of these excerpts is our need to dissociate A Course in Miracles, splitting off its teachings from our daily practice by unconsciously erecting a wall of denial that keeps us from seeing what we are doing. Discussion focuses on the paradox of sincere students committing themselves to Jesus and his course, at the same time not making the attitudinal changes he advocates; most specifically holding on to lives of judgment and specialness. Looking at this dissociation with the love of Jesus beside us undoes it, enabling the wall of fear and judgment to dissolve as we learn to forgive ourselves for being afraid.

Original Workshop Date: 01/2004
SKU: 3m95as

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