Entering God’s Presence [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 17 hours 20 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This is a combined presentation of a seminar (“Anger Is a Game that Children Play”) and five-day Academy class (“You Cannot Enter God’s Presence If You Attack His Son”) held at the Foundation in 2009. The focus is on the role that anger plays in the ego’s arsenal of defenses, which has the goal of keeping us rooted in the mindless body that pre­vents our returning to the mind where we would surely choose against the ego’s thought system of separation and spe­cialness. The classes included extensive discussions of the mind and body, time and our scripts, the Othello Syndrome, stories of Helen Schucman that included her relationship with Kenneth, and death.

Christ is at God’s altar, waiting to welcome His Son. But come wholly without condemnation, for otherwise you will believe that the door is barred and you cannot enter.… You can refuse to enter, but you cannot bar the door that Christ holds open. Come unto me who hold it open for you, for while I live it cannot be shut, and I live forever.

Original Workshop Date: 11/2009
SKU: 3m163as

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