“And God Thinks Otherwise” [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 2 hours 5 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This 2008 workshop focuses on the ego’s anger that God not only “thinks otherwise” about it and its thought system, but does not even know about it. Our Creator’s recognition of our individual existence was the “special favor” we asked of Him, and when it was not granted—how could Perfection know of imperfection?—we made our own God Who did recognize us. This replacement for the true Creator interacts with us and the world, which bears witness to the seeming reality of the ego’s substitutes for God and His Son. A Course in Miracles helps us see our mistake in preferring separation to oneness, which enables us finally to choose humility over arrogance, innocence over sin:

God knows His Son, and knows the way to him. He does not need His Son to show Him how to find His way. Through every opened door His Love shines outward from its home within, and lightens up the world in innocence.

Original Workshop Date: 01/2008
SKU: 3m164as

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