“A Transition in Perspective” [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 7 hours 31 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

PLEASE NOTE: This program also includes The Golden Thread of Hope (3m168as).

This set combines a seminar (“The Golden Thread of Hope”) and Academy class (“A Transition in Perspective”) from 2010, held at the Foundation in Temecula, California. The common theme in these talks is the transition Jesus asks us to make from body to mind. Central to the jour­ney within is recognizing the ever-present “golden thread” (the right-minded purpose of forgive­ness) that runs throughout our lives, even midst the ego’s dark and despairing existence. What facilitates this transition, which is the meaning of salvation, is the daily practice of kindness: feel­ing the need of others to know they are forgiven, rather than demanding the satisfaction of our own need for specialness. Thus we take the little steps with Jesus that lead us from bodily dreams to the mind’s dream, and then awakening to our Self in God.

This is the lesson God would have you learn: There is a way to look on everything that lets it be to you another step to Him, and to salvation of the world. To all that speaks of terror, answer thus: I will forgive, and this will disappear. To every apprehension, every care and every form of suffer­ing, repeat these selfsame words. And then you hold the key that opens Heaven’s gate, and brings the Love of God the Father down to earth at last, to raise it up to Heaven. God will take this final step Himself. Do not deny the little steps He asks you take to Him.

Original Workshop Date: 10/2010
SKU: 3m172as

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