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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
A qualified entente (T-29.I.3:9) refers to the withholding of love that is characteristic of the special love relationship, where we dispense our “love” only when it serves to satisfy our special needs. Since our special partners operate similarly, a bargain is forged that, if successful for both parties, is the ego’s “union made in Heaven.” This reflects the bargains or treaties with God that are the hallmark of formal religions, not to mention the qualified ententes that many students make with A Course in Miracles. Healing occurs when we join with Jesus to violate our treaty with the ego by perceiving the body only as a way to gain access to the decision-making mind. When we are no longer afraid of the ego’s punishment, the body becomes a means to the End, rather than being glorified in itself, for itself.

Original Workshop Date: 09/2009
SKU: 3m159as