“A Hawk from a Handsaw”: Discerning the Holy Spirit [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 5 hours 42 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Hamlet’s famous line that he can tell the difference between a hawk and a handsaw (read: heron) is the inspiration for this class on discerning the difference between the ego and the Holy Spirit. There is no more crucial distinction that a student can make than this, for the ego’s voice can sound so seductively spiritual. This class therefore addresses how one learns the discernment that leads beyond dualistic choice to our non-dualistic home.

“I’ve been so emphatic … about being careful of specifics. When you have an experience of an inner voice, when you have an experience of a love within you, you want to take that experience as you experience it in the world, and bring it as quickly as you can back to your mind, because then you will realize that that love has to be shared with everyone.”

(Excerpt from the class)

Original Workshop Date: 05/2010
SKU: 3m201as

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