Innocence Lost – Innocence Regained: The Othello Syndrome [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 4 hours 6 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

“The Othello Syndrome,” exemplified by Shakespeare’s tragic hero, refers to the horrific experience of believing that one’s sin of destroying innocence is irreversible and beyond redemption: “What was done cannot be done without” (M-17.7:12). All walk the earth with the pain of guilt gnawing deep within: we exist because we stole love from our Father’s House, as did Othello when he eloped with Desdemona without her father’s consent. Our only hope lies in recognizing all this is a dream. Asking Jesus’ help means taking his hand as he leads us back to the mind where we can choose again: innocence instead of guilt, love instead of fear.

Perhaps you would be tempted to agree with the ego that it is far better to be sinful than mistaken. Yet think you carefully before you allow yourself to make this choice. Approach it not lightly, for it is the choice of hell or Heaven.

Original Workshop Date: 04/2007
SKU: 3m142as

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