Video Streaming Products

Streaming Products

Workshops and Seminars conducted by Dr. Kenneth Wapnick

Workshops and Seminars conducted by
Dr. Kenneth Wapnick

We are in the process of converting these Standard Videos to Digitally Enhanced Widescreen Video format
You will always have access through the Streaming Dashboard to your already purchased Standard Video titles
You will have the ability to upgrade to Digitally Enhanced Videos as they become available

We are in the process of converting these Standard Videos
to Digitally Enhanced Widescreen Video format
You will always have access through the Streaming Dashboard
to your already purchased Standard Video titles
You will have the ability to upgrade to Digitally Enhanced Videos
as they become available

We are in the process of converting
these Standard Videos to
Digitally Enhanced Widescreen Video format
You will always have access through
the Streaming Dashboard to
your already purchased
Standard Video titles
You will have the ability to upgrade to
Digitally Enhanced Videos as they
become available