Classes on the Text of A Course in Miracles [VIDEOSTR]

  Standard Definition Video  

This title consists of 16 parts, Part 1 through Part 16
Each Part is priced from $13 to $16, All Parts purchased together: $191

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

This series consists of 32 two-hour classes conducted by Kenneth Wapnick on the chapters in the text. The series begins with a general introduction to the series and to the text itself—its form (the way it is written) and its content (what it says). This introductory class shows how A Course in Miracles, unlike most linearly structured texts, is symphonically presented, with its themes and principles woven into the teachings throughout, much the same as leitmotivs are woven into the fabric of a musical composition. The Course is thus seen as the perfect integration of form and content, a framework within which the prominent principles and themes in each chapter are presented in succeeding classes.

The overall purpose of these classes is to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of A Course in Miracles, in terms of its magnitude both as a thought system and as a work of art. Such appreciation, it is hoped, will facilitate students’ study of the Course, enabling them to learn and practice its teachings in a gently consistent manner as they strive to integrate them into their daily lives.

Video Stream – Part 1
Introduction and Chapter 1

Duration: 3 hours 46 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 09/2001
SKU: 4m61-1vs

Video Stream – Part 2
Chapters 2-3

Duration: 3 hours 39 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 09/2001–10/2001
SKU: 4m61-2vs

Video Stream – Part 3
Chapters 4-5

Duration: 3 hours 32 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 10/2001
SKU: 4m61-3vs

Video Stream – Part 4
Chapters 6-7

Duration: 3 hours 49 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 11/2001
SKU: 4m61-4vs

Video Stream – Part 5
Chapters 8-9

Duration: 3 hours 58 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 11/2001
SKU: 4m61-5vs

Video Stream – Part 6
Chapters 10-11

Duration: 4 hours
Original Workshop Date: 12/2001
SKU: 4m61-6vs

Video Stream – Part 7
Chapters 12-13

Duration: 3 hours 54 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 12/2001
SKU: 4m61-7vs

Video Stream – Part 8
Chapters 14-15

Duration: 4 hours
Original Workshop Date: 12/2001
SKU: 4m61-8vs

Video Stream – Part 9
Chapters 16-17

Duration: 3 hours 49 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 01/2002
SKU: 4m61-9vs

Video Stream – Part 10
Chapters 18-19

Duration: 3 hours 58 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 01/2002
SKU: 4m61-10vs

Video Stream – Part 11
Chapters 20-21

Duration: 3 hours 56 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 02/2002
SKU: 4m61-11vs

Video Stream – Part 12
Chapters 22-23

Duration: 4 hours
Original Workshop Date: 02/2002
SKU: 4m61-12vs

Video Stream – Part 13
Chapters 24-25

Duration: 3 hours 56 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 03/2002
SKU: 4m61-13vs

Video Stream – Part 14
Chapters 26-27

Duration: 4 hours 2 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 03/2002
SKU: 4m61-14vs

Video Stream – Part 15
Chapters 28-29

Duration: 4 hours 2 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 04/2002
SKU: 4m61-15vs

Video Stream – Part 16
Chapters 30-31

Duration: 4 hours 20 minutes
Original Workshop Date: 05/2002
SKU: 4m61-16vs