The Ego’s World: “The Thunder of the Meaningless” [AUDIOSTR]


Duration: 7 hours 49 minutes

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

PLEASE NOTE: This program also includes The Transformed World (3m175as).

This set includes the previously released seminar, “The Transformed World,” which preceded this Academy class held at the Foundation in 2011. The class contrasts the ego’s meaningless world of separation (mind and body) with the Holy Spirit’s meaningful world of forgiveness. As the ego’s seemingly ferocious thought system of illusion is as ludicrous as a tiny mouse roaring at the uni­verse (T-22.V), its world is indeed the thunder of the meaningless. Its dark clouds are easily dis­persed by the gentle smile of the Atonement that teaches nothing happened but an errant thought that had no effect upon reality.

Listen, and hear your Father speak to you through His appointed Voice, which silences the thunder of the meaningless, and shows the way to peace to those who cannot see.

Original Workshop Date: 11/2011
SKU: 3m177as

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